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  • Our Board | EMERGE CENTER

    新興板 自2017年以來,EMERGE在我們的創始董事會的幫助下發展壯大,其中包括: 勞倫斯·史威基(Lawrence Shweky),總裁 新興執行董事 財務主管薩姆·柯林斯(Sam Collins) 費爾法克斯縣公共衛生部社區推廣經理 秘書凱爾·麥克唐納(Kyle MacDonald) 灣區荒野訓練顧問和創始人 瓦萊麗·希恩(Valerie Sheehan),董事會成員 加州初級保健協會高級副總裁兼首席項目官 EMERGE將從2021年9月開始為我們的下一個財政年度招募新的董事會成員。有關更多信息,請聯繫Lawrence Shweky。

  • Contact | EMERGE CENTER

    聯繫我們! Contact Us 1627 Oak Avenue. Davis, CA 95616 530-341-2934 Get in Touch Email Phone Relationship to the client Choose an option Client First Name Client Last Name Client Age Client's gender identity Female Male Non-binary Other Prefer not to say Client's Preferred Pronouns She / Her / Hers He / Him / His They / Them / Theirs Other What service are you interested in? Individual Therapy Family or Couples Therapy Group Therapy Summer Creative Art Therapy Mentoring Send Thanks for submitting! A member of our team will contact your as soon as possible. 訂閱EMERGE以獲得最新消息! 訂閱 感謝您的訂閱! 出現 / əˈmərj / 動詞 出來,被認識,突破,崛起 ©2020 by Emerge Center for Social and Emotional Learning

  • Mentoring | EMERGE CENTER

    指導 正確的導師可以幫助年輕人成長和成長,因為他們會遇到青春期帶來的許多身體,社交和情感變化。 輔導關係有多種形式,但它們都需要可靠,值得信賴和協調的導師,而導師有興趣幫助年輕人發揮潛能。 EMERGE指導計劃的獨特之處在於它可以靈活地適應許多不同層次的需求。需要指導和鼓勵的導師可以每週減少一小時。但是,更密集的支持可能包括每天或每週多個小時。輔導會議可以在家裡,社區或EMERGE辦公室舉行。 指導某人的微妙平衡不是按照您自己的形象去創造他們,而是給他們創造自我的機會。 史蒂芬·斯皮爾伯格 新興導師通過建立關係的最佳實踐和對青年發展的持續意識,採用治療方法來開展工作。 EMERGE的指導者可以靈活地與青年人在許多不同活動中的各種環境中進行互動。但是,首要目標是受訓者的社交和情感發展。 了解更多

  • Mentoring Roles | EMERGE CENTER

    指導角色 指導角色的類型 儘管有許多類型的指導角色,但它們都需要在指導者和受訓者之間建立牢固而積極的關係。關係的性質可以根據受訓者的需求而變化,但通常涉及以下三個角色: 陪伴 是最基本的導師關係類型。重點僅在於在一起並享受另一個人的陪伴。孤獨的少年,難以建立友誼或需要年長同齡人的支持的青少年可以從這種指導關係中受益匪淺。隨著關係的發展,導師可能還會發現交流障礙減少,從而為討論受訓者生活中的重要問題,感受和挑戰留出了余地。 指導 是治療指導的主要重點領域。教練可以幫助受訓者發展特定的社交,情感和行為技能,並且可以輔助許多類型的治療。教練旨在通過在他們的生活,家庭,學校和社區中自然發生的經驗為受訓者提供技能培養的機會。指導者/教練比起治療師可以發揮更加積極的作用,並執行在治療,504和IEP會議中或由父母制定的治療計劃。 對指導者來說,協助 個人在應對日常生活挑戰時遇到的困難可能是非常有價值的角色。與更嚴重的功能障礙疾病作鬥爭的青少年可能需要依靠導師的幫助才能獨立生活。結果,導師可能比其他人在生活中花費的時間更多。這種緊密的關係為導師提供了良機,可以積極影響受訓者並幫助他們獲得更獨立的生活。 大量的研究記錄了指導的許多好處。有關更多信息,請單擊下面: 了解更多

  • Social and Emotional Learning | EMERGE CENTER

    SEL是什麼? 社交和情感學習(SEL)是兒童和成年人獲得併有效運用必要的知識,態度和技能來理解和管理情感,設定和實現積極目標,對他人表示和同情,建立並保持積極的態度的過程。關係,並做出負責任的決定。 EMERGE使用SEL作為框架來理解人們在社交,情感,心理和行為領域的多種成長方式。以下是我們希望每個年輕人發展的SEL核心能力。 由學術,社會和情感學習中心開發的SEL定義和圖形。有關SEL的更多信息,請訪問 。

  • Events | EMERGE CENTER

    活動 由於Covid 19,所有活動實際上都在舉行,直到可以安全地親自見面為止。 2月18日 克服完美主義 年齡: 14-18歲 時間: 晚上7-8點 地點 :加利福尼亞州戴維斯 不收費,歡迎捐款! 報名>> The right mentor can help a young person grow and develop as they encounter the many that come with adolescence. EMERGE mentors interact with youth in a variety of settings, using skills to coach, support and work alongside young people to help them meet their goals. They can work independently or as part of a therapeutic team and they have flexibility to meet with young people multiple times per week. This workshop will describe the EMERGE Mentoring Program and you will get to meet two of our mentors. ​ Workshop Leaders: Lawrence Shweky, LCSW Nathan Shepherd, BA, Mentor 3月18日 家庭技術計劃 年齡: 任何 時間: 6:30-8pm 地點 :加利福尼亞州戴維斯 不收費,歡迎捐款! 報名>> It is well known now that the pandemic is causing a great variety of mental health problems. Few people have escaped the emotional effects of the pandemic, yet it may be difficult to understand what these effects are. In this workshop, we will discuss the latest research on pandemic mental health issues and provide strategies to aid in understanding and recovery from its emotional effects. ​ Workshop Leader: Lawrence Shweky, LCSW 4月22日 管理學業壓力 年齡: 12-25歲 時間: 晚上7-8點 地點 :加利福尼亞州戴維斯 不收費,歡迎捐款! 報名>> Do you struggle with setting appropriate boundaries around technology with your teenagers? If so, a Family Technology Plan could be the answer. We will describe the process and give participants templates to use at home. This workshop will also review current research on technology use among teens and outline the pros and cons of different parental approaches to technology management. ​ Workshop Leader: Scott Weintraub, AMFT 5月20日 有態度嗎? 父母可以做什麼 年齡: 父母 時間: 6:30-8pm 地點 :加利福尼亞州戴維斯 不收費,歡迎捐款! 報名>> 您是否總是覺得自己無所事事就足夠好了?即使您知道會傷害到您,您是否仍繼續努力使自己成為最好的人?本次研討會將探討成為完美主義者的意義,並提出尋找成就的另一種方式,這些成就可以在沒有壓力的情況下帶來成功。 研討會負責人: MFT林上校

  • Mentoring Process | EMERGE CENTER

    指導過程 *** EMERGE指導計劃目前處於暫停狀態 並計劃 在2021年三月重啟 *** 合格 EMERGE輔導計劃面向可受益於輔導關係的12-25歲的青少年和年輕人。該計劃圍繞我們的社會和情感學習 理論框架的五個核心能力構建:自我意識,自我管理,負責任的決策,關係技巧和社會意識。 APPLICATIONS ​ Limited spaces are available. To apply for a mentor, both the mentee and parent need to complete the application form to the right >>>>>> Also, download the document to the right for more detailed information about how the matching process works >>>>>> Application Matching Process REFERRALS If you would like to refer someone to the the mentoring program, you may fill out the application or forward to a parent to complete. If you would like to discuss the mentoring program or see if it is a good fit for your client, please contact Lawrence Shweky, executive director at 530-304-8030. FEES The fee for a 50 minute mentoring session is $65. Reduced fees may be available. Mentoring Roles 了解更多

  • Resources | EMERGE CENTER

    News Untitled Community Reading Library 資源 News Anxiety in the Age of Barbie - Young women in crisis are asking, 'What was I made for?' ​ Being 13 - Three girls, one year. This is what it’s like to be 13 today, in a world that can’t stop talking about the dire state of your future. ​ Teens in Covid Isolation: ‘I Felt Like I Was Suffocating’ For months, he helped his son keep suicidal thoughts at bay. Then came the pandemic. Websites and Information It Gets Better ​ A massive number of videos from bi, gay, lesbian, trans, and queer youth sharing their stories to let others know that they are not alone. ​ Parenting Rainbow Kids​ A website full of information for parents on ​frequently asked questions such as 'what is the likelihood my child is being bullied?' and 'preparing your teen for college.' Seize the Awkward ​ Resources on how to start a conversation to a friend or loved one about mental health. Mental Health Literacy There is a lot of information out there about mental health. This website is all about getting fact checked mental health resources and information.​ Community Organizations There are many great youth serving organizations we collaborate with and learn from that we want to share with you. Below is a partial list. We are not directly affiliated with these organizations, but we have had good experiences with them. Organi zations ​ Auburn Davis DBT Center, Davis The Auburn Davis Center for DBT is primarily focused on providing therapy to young adults and teens between the ages of 12 and 35. ​ Anxiety Treatment Center , Sacramento The Anxiety Treatment Center focuses on OCD and Anxiety Disorders. They offer various pr og rams including Intensive Outpatient Treatment, Partial Hospitalization, Group Therapy, and Equine Assisted Therapy. ​ EDAPT Clinic , UC Davis​, Davis and Sacramento The EDAPT Clinic offers Early Psychosis Programs and Services for ages 12-40. SafeSpace SafeSpace is a youth-led, mental health- focused organization that empowers young people to engage openly with their local schools and communities. They seek to create and implement initiatives to change the conversation around mental health by educating and encouraging our peers to speak up, support others, and ask for help when needed. They also have a podcast talking to teens and mental health experts. National Alliance on Mental Illness ​ (NAMI) ​ NAMI Yolo County provides advocacy, support, education, and public awareness so that allindividuals and families who are affected by mental illness can build better lives. ​ Independent Practices Debbie Glander , LMFT​, Davis Debbie Glander specializes in Eating Disorders, ​Spiritual Abuse, Anxiety and Shame with individual and group therapy sessions. Catherine LeBlanc , LMFT​, Davis Catherine LeBlanc specializes in Trauma and practices trauma-informed somatic psychotherapy individual therapy both in person and online. Dr. Mitchel Adler, Psy.D CGP ​, Davis ​Dr. Adler offers individual and group sessions as well as consultations ​for organizations. Dr. Martha Gilmore , PhD, Davis​ Dr. Gilmore has had intensive training in group psychotherapy​ and offers several groups for adults as well as individual and couples psychotherapy. ​ Developmental Disorders ​ Bridges of the Mind, Sacramento Bridges of the Mind provides neurodevelopmental assessments for infants through adulthood as well as group therapy and tutoring for all ages. Dr. Cassie Majestic, Sacramento Dr. Majestic specialises in in the psychological assessment of neurodevelopmental diagnoses, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability, across all ages. ​ LGBT Resources ​ Sacramento LGBT Community Center, Sacramento The LGBT Community Center is a place where LGBTQ+ people are safe, welcomed and needed. They offer community support groups and individualized counselling. Gender Health Center , Sacramento The Gender Health Center is a trans and POC-led organization that offers counseling services on a sliding scale for individuals and families​. Gender Spectrum , Bay Area Gender Spectrum is an organization focused on the health and well-being of gender diverse children and teens. They have a range of programs for young people, parents, and family members - including some free online group sessions. ​ Elevate Youth ​ Elevate Youth is a free program from CommuniCare celebrating & elevating queer young adults ages 12-26 in Yolo County, CA​ ​ Parenting ​ Davis Parent University , Davis, CA The Davis Parent University offers lectures and programming to the community's parents, teachers, and caregivers.​ ​ ​ Suicide Prevention ​ The Trevor Project , Los Angeles The Trevor Project's mission is to end suicide among LGBTQ+ young people. They offer 24/7 crisis counseling as well as LGBTQ+ resources and an international online community for LGBTQ+ young people (13-24). ​ Events Reading Parenting ​ The Defiant Child - Douglas A. Riley Parenting with Love and Logic - Foster Cline and Jim Fay The Carpenter and the Gardener - Alison Gopnik ​ Social and Emotional Learning Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman I Don't Want to Talk About It - Terrance Real ​ Families Talking Back to OCD - John March ​ Children When Sophie Gets Angry - Really, Really Angry - Molly Bang Guts - Raina Telgemeier ​ Adolescents To be updated soon ​ Couples Hold Me Tight, Sue Johnston The Five Love Languages, Gary Chapman The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, John Gottman Mating in Captivity, Esther Perel ​ ​ Professional Library EMERGE has a collection of professional volumes available for loan to fellow therapists in the area. If you are interested in borrowing any volumes please contact ​ The current list of books can be found here .

  • NeuroPower | EMERGE CENTER

    NeuroPower Neurodiversity Program Overview The EMERGE NeuroPower program is focused on individuals ages 12-25 who have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, sensory processing disorder, or moderate to severe learning disabilities. Services can include initial assessment and service planning; individual, group and family therapy; mentoring and coaching; parent support; sibling support; and resource, referral and advocacy. The Neuropower Team is a skilled group of professionals dedicated to treatment that is focused specifically on the issues and concerns of those who are neurodivergent in a world that isn’t always comfortable or easy to navigate. Age range: 12 -25 Who: Those who have been diagnosed with autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), sensory processing disorder, or moderate to severe learning disabilities. Many people with neurodivergence also have other co-occurring disorders, such as anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), bipolar disorder, depression, lower intellectual functioning, tic disorders, or physical disorders, such as those that lead to chronic pain. Services NeuroPower provides services that can include: Initial assessment to provide a treatment plan, resources, and referrals. Individual therapy focuses on sensory strategies, organization and planning, building an internal sense of motivation, increasing communication strategies and skills to help develop relationship, and socialization with neuro affirming approaches that support the individual in being themselves. Family Support Services, including therapy or coaching, to enhance communication and build relationships. Psychoeducation provided to family members to help with understanding neurodivergence. Help with navigating school and work settings, including help with accommodations and strategies. Mentoring to help with independent living skills, communication skills, social interaction, and navigation. Group therapy to enhance communication and social skills. Parenting groups and coaching to help parents both understand and to support their neurodivergent teens and young adults. Sibling groups to help neurotypical siblings understand neurodivergence and to develop coping strategies to deal with behaviors that might seem confusing or scary from their siblings. Our team provides training and education regarding issues surrounding providing services to neurodivergent individuals. We can come to you and can provide presentations, workshops, and individualized coaching to therapists, educators, teachers, counselors, administrators, and service providers. Why NeuroPower? Receive treatment, support and education that is focused specifically on the issues and concerns of those who are neurodivergent, by therapists, coaches and mentors who really understand, appreciate, and advocate for individuals with neurodivergence in a world that isn’t always comfortable or easy to navigate if you aren’t neurotypical. We partner with other neurodivergent-affirming practitioners who can help in other areas, such as Occupational Therapists, Adaptive Yoga, and job coaches. ​ Funding Private pay Regional Center​

  • Reading | EMERGE CENTER

    讀 育兒 反抗的孩子-道格拉斯·萊利(Douglas A.Riley) 充滿愛與邏輯的育兒-福斯特·克萊恩(Foster Cline)和吉姆·費(Jim Fay) 木匠與園丁-艾莉森·格普尼克(Alison Gopnik) 社交與情感學習 情商-丹尼爾·高曼(Daniel Goleman) 我不想談論它-Terrance Real 家庭 與OCD對話-約翰·馬奇(John March) 孩子們 當Sophie生氣時-真的,真的生氣-Molly Bang 膽量 -Raina Telgemeier 青少年 即將更新 情侶 蘇·約翰斯頓(Sue Johnston),抱緊我 五種愛語言,加里·查普曼(Gary Chapman) 使婚姻起作用的七項原則,約翰·戈特曼(John Gottman) 囚禁中的交配,埃絲特·佩雷爾 最新消息 青少年處於狂犬病隔離中:“我感到自己令人窒息 ” 幾個月來,他幫助兒子阻止了自殺念頭。後來大流行了。 停產:學校關閉令農村學生感到孤立 孩子們好嗎?通過Covid-19支持青少年的心理健康

  • Sports Psychology | EMERGE CENTER

    PERFORMANCE and SPORT PSYCHOLOGY The “mental game” is increasingly recognized as central to elite performance in both sports and life. While performance and sport psychology is highly utilized in college athletics and professional life, it gets little attention in high school where the need is just as great. The EMERGE Performance and Sport Psychology program is focused on helping students understand and utilize decades of clinical research and knowledge around what it takes to perform at a peak level in any area of performance, including academics, sports, dance, drama and life. We are currently developing curriculum for SportPsych 101 and 201, six-week psychoeducational classes for high school athletes. We also hope to develop a Performance Psychology class based on the same core material. ​ Currently, we offer individual performance coaching and therapy to help students work on specific issues of concern. For more information, contact Lawrence Shweky, LCSW, at . ​

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